Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of healing can be done under QHHT?

Once the Subconscious (SC) has been contacted during a QHHT® session, Sandy asks it to identify and explain the cause behind any problem, and then asks the SC if it is appropriate and possible to heal the condition. If the SC agrees, healing is immediate, without discomfort, medication or surgery. In many cases, once the SC reveals the source of the ailment or psychological problem, a release occurs in the subject’s body and mind, and the client is freed form their condition.

Many of Dolores Cannon’s thousands of clients and subjects were healed in this seemingly miraculous manner and wrote to her to over the years to thank her. That is why she began teaching QHHT® in 2002, to share it with others so that they could continue the practice and in turn help as many people as possible.

In all cases, before healing can occur, an individual must want to be cured. The healing also cannot interfere with the lessons of their present life or the contracts they made before incarnating. Our souls are eternal and we come to Earth to grow and learn lessons through individual experiences. An example of a conflict in healing could be the Subconscious not agreeing to restore the sight of a blind person if that was one of the lessons they agreed to learn before incarnating in their present life.

The Subconscious also adheres to a literal approach regarding healing. If a subject is experiencing a condition that is the result of abuse or lack of care for their body, and the person has taken no action to correct this and has no desire to change, the Subconscious is aware. Its logic will dictate that there is no point in healing the condition if the subject is just going to resume abusing the body once it is healed.

Following are examples of the extraordinary results Dolores Cannon and her QHHT® Practitioners alike have experienced with clients and subjects during their sessions:

  • Cancer – various types at various stages cleared

  • Cartilage – reconstruction between joints

  • HIV – cleared and eradicated

  • Heart – healed with no surgery required

  • Liver – fully functional regeneration and restoration

  • Kidney – fully functional regeneration and restoration

  • Wounds – regeneration with no scarring

  • Migraines –root causes explained and removed

  • Diabetes – causes explained and cleared

  • Intestines – conditions cleared

  • Back – middle and lower area problems cleared

  • Neck/Shoulder – pain identified and causes cleared

  • Lungs – problems identified and cleared

  • Skin – problems identified and cleared

Everything is possible with Dolores Cannon’s proven method of hypnosis: QHHT®.

What is hypnosis?

Dolores Cannon’s method of hypnosis, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®), involves inducing an individual into the theta brain wave state of trance through visualization. A state which under ordinary circumstances is experienced at least twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you fall asleep.

What does is it feel like being under hypnosis?

Everyone’s experience is difference. Mostly everyone’s conscious mind is aware of what is happening under a hypnotic trance and most people experience a deep meditative state of mind.

Can I be put under hypnosis?

Of course you can, if you can fall asleep and wake up every day then you can experience the Theta trance state again since this hypnotic state is a natural state of the brain. There are four difference brain wave states experienced by the human body every day:

1) Beta: When you are wide awake.
2) Alpha: First altered state, lightest level of trance. You may experience this trance state while watching TV or during a long drive.
3) Theta: Deepest level of trance, right before you fall asleep and when you first wake up.
4) Delta: When you are fully asleep.

In Summary:

90% of what happens during the session is up to you, you are the one that wants to make the change, it is all free will. You have to want the change, you have to want the answer, you have to want the healing.

Just relax and let the information come through, set aside your conscious mind.